Yoga & Detox
Do you feel you need this Quality?
Would you like a simple and also good way for the whole body to do it?
These Lesson Series help you intensely. They guide you to erase the often unconscious beliefs and patterns that inhibit you exactly that Quality you would like!
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Available in 2 languages
Yoga & Detox
Because it's important ?
The winter seasons tend to bring a certain lethargy, for various reasons; L
and hours of sun are reduced, so like all animals we are much less "activated".
In addition, the cold naturally leads us to look for more caloric foods, cooked foods and much less raw foods ...
Outdoor activities are reduced.
Many factors that contribute to an accumulation of toxins in the body.
Even if a person has a good lifestyle, in this period it is easy to experience fatigue, swelling ...
(Video-Yoga lessons x Detox + 1 Video introduction + 5 Lessons sul Detox Mp3 format
and you will discover many simple practices to cleanse your body and help keep it Light.
If you want to have a free demo of this course, send a message via WhatsApp to +39 342 088 0236 or write an email to tatsatyogastudio@gmail.com