Beatrice and Marco
Students, Tibetan Pulsing Work Shop IT 2024
I attended a yoga class with the teacher Tatheena and I can say that it was a wonderful experience that involved me both physically and spiritually. In fact, I benefited from her lessons as in addition to involving the physical part in which the muscular effort was considerable, she managed to make me feel the emotional "knots" in those points that were physically more difficult and more painful and thus to refer to problems specific personal helping me to understand them and I hope with time and constancy I can solve them. I therefore thank Tatheena for her dedication and commitment and for the work done together which for me was therapeutic as well as pleasant.

Student IT Work Shop June 2022
Wonderful day, beautiful people, deep work on energy, massages, valuable advice and Tatheena's teachings.
I carry those moments in my Heart and I cultivate them as seeds just planted, I water them and I take care of them every day, the road is not easy, but when I get lost I find the way. I know that beautiful flowers will be born; Awareness is in me, new paths open and hopes never collapse, we are beings of Light and Energy.
I thank Tat and all the friends I met!

Student IT June 2023
I attended a yoga class with the teacher Tatheena and I can say that it was a wonderful experience that involved me both physically and spiritually. In fact, I benefited from her lessons as in addition to involving the physical part in which the muscular effort was considerable, she managed to make me feel the emotional "knots" in those points that were physically more difficult and more painful and thus to refer to problems specific personal helping me to understand them and I hope with time and constancy I can solve them. I therefore thank Tatheena for her dedication and commitment and for the work done together which was therapeutic as well as pleasant for me.

Student IT Event June 2023
If I think back to the first lessons of Tatheena, I see myself in a sweat bath that I try in vain to assume even for a few seconds an easy position (asana) with very little success. Yet very few lessons were enough and my body began to recognize those positions as its own and take them on. It was a new and very pleasant feeling, in a short time I understood what the teacher repeated to me at each lesson, you don't need the strength of the muscles to do the asanas, you need the energy.
After 3 years I am still a beginner but at each lesson I see my body improve in something with small but constant progress and above all, during the time I spend on the mat to practice, my mind and my body work together to reach the common goal of making the position. It is a wonderful feeling to feel the mind focused on the only important thing at that moment: joining the body to practice. The confusion of every day and the thousand things to do disappear and give way to tranquility and concentration.
Costanza Tatheena my teacher was decisive in this journey, from the beginning she used simple words and calm tones to guide us in a philosophy that is very far from our systems of daily life, she has always adapted each lesson to the ability of the participants enriching it beyond that of positions, concepts and reflections and making it appear simple what is actually very deep. He guides us with kindness and competence at each meeting, never repetitive and always stimulating.
In recent years with his help I have been able to experience various types of yoga including yin yoga, chakra yoga, antigravity yoga which have helped me overcome many of the limits that the mind often imposes on the body.
Doing yoga has also given me the opportunity to meet many people with whom to have the pleasure of sharing experiences.
Today if I think about what yoga is for me I can summarize it with two simple words "I can".

Student UK Retreat May 2024
Tatheena is a powerful teacher when it comes to self tranformation and inner balance and development. I have had the pleasure to part take in her Chakra Yoga work at a retreat this year and the change and inner clarity and peace I found is unparalleled. It shifted a lot of things in my life and got me on the positive path of change.

Student IT Ritiro Monteriggioni 2022
I am a 55 year old woman and, for the first time in my life, I approached this discipline.
I can say that I had a very, very positive experience with Tatheena and that I got a huge benefit from it, so much so that I'm sure not to abandon her in the next year.
A dispassionate advice! It is a practice to try, surely you will remain fascinating.
My aura harmonized me and guided me towards clarity, light and strength.

Student IT Chakra Yoga Course 2022
My experience with yoga with Tatheena started in February and was excellent. From the beginning the lessons helped me a lot allowing me to relax the mind and let go of all the anxieties. I followed the Chakra Yoga course with particular pleasure as I found the concept behind it very interesting which was made clear and fascinating by Tatheena's explanations.
In conclusion, I really recommend anyone to practice yoga because I have tried on my skin that it is good not only for the body but also for the mind!