An essential oil is not just any product,but it represents the Non Plus Ultra of the Plant Kingdom.
That is, the product of this realm with the highest vibratory level. It is very important for this to use only PURE essential oils, not adulterated by the unconscious need to counterfeit, pollute, cheat .... with the illusion of obtaining more, which, unfortunately,it still governs many human minds, directing their actions towards unethical attitudes.
This is why I became passionate about this company, DoTerra, which was founded in 2008 with the intention of offering its customers only Pure Essential Oils and which came from Ethical production chains.

What does it mean? That this company instead of commercially taking advantage of producers, as happens in many sectors of agricultural production, has chosen to support producers,
assisting the financial means to restore traditional cultivation and extraction methods ,. Having seen for yourself the incredible benefits that can be obtained from using
these precious resources, a group of healthcare and business professionals set out to turn this mission into reality.
They formed a company and called it DOTERRA,
a Latin derivative that means Gift of the Earth.
The first obstacle to overcome, however, was to establish a quality standard in a sector that had never had one. It was not enough to simply supply essential oils to homes around the world; the founders of doTERRA pledged to provide only the highest quality and the purest essential oils so that families could know for certain that they were using only the best to promote the health and well-being of their loved ones. This commitment led to the creation of a new therapeutic quality standard: CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade®. I invite you to experiment with these oils, they are a great gift ... whatever you do, there they will support, helping you to strengthen the physical body, to balance emotions, to calm the mind .... more Energy, More Wellness, more Enthusiasm ... and all in such a pleasant way. HARI OM