Tatheena has researched and practiced the ancient holistic healing traditions, such as Ayurveda, Tibetan Pulsing, Reiki, Reflexology, Chromotherapy.
together with modern scientific technologies such as Tachyon Holistic Wellness and Livewave,
to restore the natural psycho-physical balance,
strengthen the flow of Prana in the body and to detoxify.
She will be delighted to share her 30 years of research and experience.

Art Teacher
Holistic Counselor
Vinyasa Yoga Flow 500 Hours Teacher
Pre-Birth and Post-Birth Yoga
Mantra Yoga
Chakra Yoga
Tibetan Pulsing Yoga Teacher
Ayurveda Massage Theraphist & Teacher
Reflexoligist Therapist & Teacher
Reiki Practitioner - 1 and 2 level
Tachyon Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Ilahinur Practitioner
Ayurveda Massage Therapist & Teacher
Reflexologist Therapist & Teacher
Reiki Practitioner – 1 and 2 level
Vinyasa Yoga Flow 500 YT
Tachyon Holistic Wellness Practitioner
Ilahinur Practitioner
The path of the Spiritual Researcher began very young.
While still a student, she taught for about 3 years in a well-known gym Stretching, Postural and Aerobic Gymnastics, realizing within herself how the movement of the body is fundamental for the physical and emotional Well-Being and exploring the connections between body and mind.
At the same time she devoted herself to the study of the Tarot.
In 1985 she participated in her first mental dynamics training in Prato.
From 87 to 89 practical and theoretical training as Therapist and Gestalt Counselor, simultaneously practicing Contemporary Dance and Expressive Theater.
She moved to New York to enroll in a Dance-Therapy trainings. From there she moved to Mexico where she lived for many years and where in 1992 she began the daily practice of Meditation under the guidance of Lama Yeshee Namhken.
She traveled extensively in Central and South America, fascinated by traditional healing and self-healing techniques alongside shamans and curanderos.
Back in Italy in 1994 she worked managing a farmhouse in the hills of the Chianti Fiorentino, where in 98 she opened a small “Health & Well-Being” center. In this period she began a long spiritual research dedicating herself to the study of Subtle Bodies, Chakras and Occult Anatomy.
In 1996 she met the Tibetan Healing and Transformation Techniques and began the long training and process of profound transformation and purification of Tibetan Pulsing Yoga. Tibetan Pulsing Yoga training is a true evolutionary path. She began her training course in India, at the Osho Multiversity in Poone. She participated in the 3 Intensive trainings in 1999 at the Naropa association, connected to the Global Village in Bagni di Lucca in Tuscany and completed the 6 Waves process in 2002 qualifying as a "session giver" (operator of Tibetan Pulsing Yoga) and between 2002 and 2003 she received trainings to become a Tibetan Pulser Group Leader and began holding events, groups and "Waves" in Italy and Great Britain.
During her long stays in India for training in Tibetan Pulsing Yoga, she fell in love with Ayurvedic massage techniques and in the 1998 and 2000 winters she studied at famous schools in Poona, India, Ayurvedic Massage and Reflexology with various trainings and specializations.
During the months of stay in India she meets the energy work from the Tachyon Institute and University of Integrated Science of California, presented at the Osho Multiversity, Academy of Healing Arts and decides to integrate it into her Holistic Bio-Natural practices by participating in continuous trainings and seminars from 2000 to the present day, becoming a Tachyon Holistic Wellness Practitioner and an authorized Distributor.
In 2000, wanting to integrate her holistic practices with her2 children, she began practicing Yoga for Children; it was a real discovery !! And she started practicing it with them weekly as a family routine. She still remembers how growing up in age and starting to resist the family routines, her teenage daughter agreed to do Yoga but choosing the music ... Rock !!! What is not done for children ...
Her spiritual research and the desire to offer an ever more accurate and profound work, leads her to experience Reiki, in 2001, with First and Second level certifications and the Art of Channeling, participating in the First, Second, Third and Advanced level in various trainings between 2002 and 2005.
In 2005, wanting her elementary-age children to have a holistic educational path, she moved to Scotland near the Findhorn Foundation, a very large Spiritual Community and Eco-Village where she continued her work as a Holistic Operator and Gestalt Therapist enrolled in the British General Council for Complementary Medicine. In Findhorn she participated in many Retreats with the many Spiritual Masters who came to offer their retreats in the Foundation and she has cooperated and co-directed for years "The Landscape Angel Meditation" as well as weekly groups of "Listening to the Internal Guides" and groups of healing through Sacred Sound: the Crystal Bells
In Scotland in 2006 she legalized her long practice of Stretching, Breathing and Joint-releasing by studying at Moray College, Department of Science, Maths and Sport, Stretching techniques, and related anatomy and physiology.
She has taught Stretching, Joint Releasing and Body Awareness classes for years in Forres, Great Britain.
In 2010, she opens the Opening Spirit Studio in San Casciano in Val di Pesa, where she offers individual treatments, events and workshops of Tibetan Pulsing Yoga, Waves, Meditation, Dance and Transformation and Channeling.
She continues her training by participating in courses conducted by Spiritual Masters on Meditation and Development of Human Awareness, Mindfulness, Emotional release and Yoga Retreats.
She was trained as a Yoga teacher, qualified and registered with the Yoga Alliance, in Vinyasa Yoga Flow 500 hours, Chakra Yoga. Prepartum Yoga, Postpartum Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga for the Elderly.
Currently she teaches mainly online and Yoga and Postural Pilates classes in the various places she travels. She teaches various types of Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga Flow for beginners and Intermediate / Advanced, Pre-Birth and Post-Birth Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Postural Yoga, Yoga for Doshas, Mantra Yoga. Her classes are all focused on honoring the spiritual aspect of Yoga philosophy. She also teaches in-depth courses on the ancient traditions of the Origin of Yoga. She has created a series of lessons called Mind Ease, for those who find it hard to relax, calm their minds and those who work a lot using their mind, which are fantastic for relieving tension in the neck and shoulders.
Operator and Holistic Counselor Trainer enrolled in the list of Bionatural Operators in the professional register of the S.I.A.F Italian Society of Family Harmonizers
Registered as a qualified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance RYT500
DoTerra Wellness Consultant.
Authorized distributor of Advanced Tachyon Technology.
Sheis currently completing Ho'oponopono Certificate Training with Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len at www.joevitalecertified.com

Nel `96 incontra le Tecniche di Guarigione e Trasformazione Tibetane ed inizia il lungo training e processo di profonda trasfrmazione e purificazione del Tibetan Pulsing Yoga. La formazione in Tibetan Pulsing Yoga e` un vero percorso evolutivo. Ha iniziato il percorso formativo in India, presso la Osho Multiversity a Poone. Ha partecipato ai 3 Intensive trainings nel 1999 presso l`associazione Naropa, connessa al Villaggio Globale a Bagni di Lucca in Toscana ed ha completato il processo delle 6 Waves nel 2002 qualificandosi come "session giver" (operatrice di Tibetan Pulsing Yoga) e tra 2002 e 2003 ha ricevuto i trainings per diventare un Tibetan Pulser Group Leader ed ha cominciato a tenere eventi, gruppi ed "Waves" in Italia ed in Gran Bretagna.
Durante le lunghe permanenze in India per la formazione in Tibetan Pulsing Yoga, s' innamora delle tecniche di massaggio Ayurvediche e negl'inverni 1998 e 2000 studia presso famose scuole di Poona, India, Massaggio Ayurvedico e Riflessologia con vari trainings e specializzazioni.
Durante i mesi di permanenza in India incontra il lavoro energetico dal Tachyon Institute e University of Integrated Science of California, presentato presso la Osho Multiversity, Academy of Healing Arts e decide di integrarlo nelle sue pratiche Olistiche Bio-Naturali partecipando dal 2000 ad adesso a continui trainings e seminari diventando un Tachyon Holistic Wellness Practitioner ed un Distributore autorizzato.
Nel 2000, volendo integrare le sue pratiche olistiche coi suoi 2 bambini, inizia a praticare Yoga per Bambini; fù una vera scoperta!! E iniziò a praticarlo insieme a loro settimanalmente come family routin. Ricorda ancora come crescendo in età e iniziando a resistere le family routins, sua figlia appena teenager accettasse di fare Yoga ma scegliendo lei la musica...Rock!!! Cosa non si fà per i figli....

La sua ricerca spirituale ed il desiderio di offrire un lavoro sempre piu`accurato e profondo, la porta a sperimentare il Reiki, nel 2001, con certificazioni di Primo e Secondo livello e l`Arte del Channeling, partecipando al Primo, Secondo,Terzo e Avanzato livello in vari trainings tra 2002 ed il 2005.
Nel 2005, volendo che i suoi figli in età elementare avessero un percorso educativo olistico, si trasferisce in Scozia vicino alla Findhorn Foundation, una grandissima Comunita` Spirituale ed Eco-Village dove ha continuato il suo lavoro di Operatore Olistico e Terapista di Gestalt iscritta al British General Council for Complementary Medicine. A Findhorn ha partecipato a tantissimi Retreats con i tanti Maestri Spirituali che venivano ad offrire i loro ritiri nella Foundation e ha cooperato e co-diretto per anni "The Landscape Angel Meditation" oltre che a gruppi settimanali di “Ascolto delle Guide Interiori” e gruppi di guarigione attraverso Il Suono Sacro: le Campane di Cristallo
In Scozia nel 2006 legalizza la sua lunga pratica di Stretching, Respiro e Joint-releasing studiando presso il Moray College, Dipartiment of Science, Maths and Sport, le tecniche di Stretching, e relativa anatomia e fisiologia.
Ha insegnato per anni classi di Stretching, Joint Releasing e consapevolezza del corpo a Forres, Gran Bretagna.
Nel 2010, apre lo Studio Opening Spirit a San Casciano in val di Pesa, ove offre trattamenti individuali, eventi e workshops di Tibetan Pulsing Yoga, Waves, Meditazione, Danza e Trasformazione e Channeling.
Continua il suo percorso formativo partecipando a corsi condotti da Maestri Spirituali su Meditazione e Sviluppo della Consapevolezza Umana, Mindfulness, Emotional release e Yoga Retreats.
Si e` formata come insegnante di Yoga, Qualificata e registrata presso Yoga Alliance, in Vinyasa Yoga Flow 500 ore, Chakra Yoga. Yoga PreParto, Yoga Post Parto, Mantra Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Yoga per Anziani.
Attualmente insegna principalmente online ed anche Classi di Yoga e di Pilates Posturale. Insegna vari tipi di Yoga, Chakra Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga Flow principianti ed Intermedio/Avanzato, Yoga Pre Parto e Post Parto, Restorative Yoga, Yoga Posturale, Yoga per i Dosha, Mantra Yoga. Le Sue classi sono tutte focalizzate a onorare l'aspetto Spirituale della filosofia Yoga. Insegna anche Corsi di approfondimento delle antiche tradizioni dell Origine dello Yoga. Ha creato una serie di lezioni chiamate Mind Ease, per chi ha difficolta a rilassarsi, a calmare la mente e per chi lavora molto usando la mente, fantastiche per sciogliere le tensioni su collo e spalle.
Operatore e Counselor Olistico Trainer iscritto all`elenco Operatori Bionaturali ed all` albo professionale della S.I.A.F Società Italiana Armonizzatori Familiari
Registrata come insegnante yoga qualificata presso Yoga Alliance RYT500
Consulente del Benessere di doTerra.
Distributore autorizzato di Advanced Tachyon Technology.
Attualmente sta completando la formazione in Ho'oponopono Certificate Training con Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len presso www.joevitalecertified.com